Employment Services

Supported Employment is built to help individuals get the jobs they want. One of our job development specialists meet on a weekly basis with the individual receiving services to assist with developing a resume, submitting applications, preparing for interviews, contacting employers and attending interviews. Job Development Specialists support individuals in finding a job that they are interested in and happy doing.

Once individuals obtain a job, we can help in two ways. We offer follow-along services where the job development specialist will check in with the individual on a regular basis to see how work is going. If the individual needs it, we also offer one-on-one job coaching. A job coach is an individual who is employed to help our individuals learn, accommodate, and perform their work duties. They work with the individual on a one on one basis. In addition to working on skills related to performing specific job tasks, a job coach can also help with interpersonal skills that are necessary to being successful in the workplace.


Individual Placement and Support (or IPS) helps people with a mental illness gain employment within their community. Although variations of supported employment exists, IPS refers to an evidence based practice of supported employment that is centered around a rapid job search, competitive employment, and eligibility based on client choice and NOT exclusion due to diagnosis, substance use, etc. The emphasis in our IPS program is on helping people find and keep jobs in which they will succeed at and be happy doing so. These jobs will be in an integrated setting that offers competitive wages in the job field of their choice. Through a variety of supports, a Job Development Specialist will meet with individuals to create plans, set goals & provide them with necessary tools and support to obtain and maintain employment within their community.

Skill Building

Our skill-building program is a time-limited in-between step for individuals who want to work someday, but need a little help preparing before obtaining employment. There are several different things that they can get involved in to develop those skills; volunteering in a variety of locations – running the café at the YMCA, cleaning and basic maintenance tasks at the Bay City State Park, or joining our Do-All janitorial crew. All of these programs offer opportunities for individuals to develop awareness of themselves and the working world.

Community Living Supports (CLS)

Our CLS program assists individuals in increasing self-sufficiency, facilitating an individual’s achievement of their goals of community inclusion, participation, and independence. This includes activities such as volunteering at various community organizations, socialization and relationship building, and a variety of community connecting activities which promote community inclusion and skill development.

Interested in Services?

Please contact Lori Gainsforth at 989-254-6930 or via email at LGainsforth@doallinc.org for information regarding receiving a referral to our services.